Snow Trumps Sunup Rotary Meeting
With the amount of snow we were slated to pick up from Tuesday night's storm, President Laura advised us to stay safe and warm at home, off the snowy and icy streets, instead of attempting to reach the Hassayampa for our Wednesday morning Rotary meeting.  The forecast was accurate, and we have certainly been repeatedly dumped on this week.  Numerous parts of the city have received more than the official total of 20.3 inches.  Some of the graded snow piles around town are huge; and the broken tree branches from Tuesday night's heavy, wet snow, plus some wind, have kept us busy removing them from blocking our streets and driveways.  However, we appreciate getting the moisture — in any form that we can get it.
However, Equack Tutorial Triumphs Over the Snow!
Even though our club was unable to physically meet on Wednesday, the snow didn't stop the leaders of our Sunup Rotary Duck Derby fundraiser (which is scheduled for May 5 at Watson  Lake), from virtually meeting, on schedule, at 8:00 Wednesday morning for an informative Equack Tutorial Webinar.  Our Duck Derby Committee is reminding you of the urgency to secure sponsors by the end of this week for our Duck Derby.  Your help is needed!!
History of the Rotary Bell
In 1922, U.S. Rotarians organized an attendance contest.  The challenge was that the losing clubs would join in giving the winning club a prize.
The Rotary Club of New York City was declared the winner; and to that club was awarded, as a prize, a bell from a popular patrol boat, which was placed on wood that came from HMS "Victory," Admiral Nelson's vessel at the battle of Trafalgar.
Since then, the bell used in Rotary meetings has represented, as on the ships, order, discipline and the time to guide us through the weekly hour-and-a-half meeting, other club rituals and, of course, the closure of the regular club meeting. 
However, you do need to be paying attention, to determine whether Pres. Laura's banging of the bell is the signal to sit, to stand, or to salivate.
We were all looking forward to hearing, on Wednesday, from the four RYLA delegates our club sponsored this year.  However, with the necessary cancellation of the meeting, due to the treacherous ice and snow conditions, that was not possible.  A.J. Sheridan has announced that our RYLArians have been rescheduled to present their reports about their RYLA experience at our club meeting on April 24.   
New Rotary Peace Center in Turkey
Rotary clubs and districts have begun recruiting candidates for the next class of Rotary Peace Fellows, including for the newest Rotary Peace Center at Bahçeşehir University in Istanbul, Turkey. The center was made possible by a US$15.5 million pledge from the Otto and Fran Walter Foundation and approved by Rotary Foundation Trustees in early 2023. The new center will offer experienced peacebuilders the opportunity to complete a one-year professional development certificate program, earning postgraduate diplomas in peace and development studies. President-Elect Stephanie Urchick has announced that a Rotary International Peace Conference will be held in Istanbul next year.
There was a Super Bowl football game between the big animals and the little animals. The big animals were crushing little animals. At half time the coach made a passionate speech to rally the little animals.

At the start of the second half the big animals had the ball. The first play, the elephant got stopped for no gain. The second play, the rhino was stopped for no gain. On third down, the hippo was thrown for a 5 yard loss.

The defense huddled around the coach and he asked excitedly, "Who stopped the elephant?"

"I did," said the centipede.

"Who stopped the rhino?"

"Uh, that was me too," said the centipede.

"And how about the hippo? Who hit him for a 5 yard loss?"

"That was me as well," said the centipede.

"SO WHERE WERE YOU THE FIRST HALF?" demanded the coach.

"Well," replied the centipede, "I was having my ankles taped."
Parking Sign:

Frog Parking Only: All others will be toad.
This doctor always got really stressed out at work.  So every day on his way home, he’d stop and see his friend Dick, the bartender.  Dick would know the doctor was coming and he’d have an almond daiquiri ready for him.  The doctor would come in and have his almond daiquiri and go home. 
One day Dick ran out of almonds, and he thought, “Well, the doctor won’t know the difference.”  So he cut up this hickory nut and made a daiquiri with it.  When the doctor came by, Dick put the drink in front of him.  The doctor took a sip and said, “Is this an almond daiquiri Dick?” and Dick said, “No, it’s a hickory daiquiri, Doc.”  
When I was younger, my dad found out I had an imaginary girlfriend.

He said, "You know, you could do better."

"Thanks dad, that means a lot," I replied.

He said, "I was talking to your girlfriend."


Meeting Wednesday @ 6:30 am
The Hassayampa Inn
Speaker: Doug Thompson
Toastmasters — a Rotary Partner Organization
The Prez Says
Laura Vanderberg
member photo
Hope everyone stayed safe & dry this past week!  
I'm excited for us to welcome Sarah and Melanie as SunUpians this week- please join us at our meeting for their induction!  
And!  Speaking of fun!  As members of the Prescott Chamber of Commerce, SunUp is having a table at the Valentine's Day We Heart Our Members event from 10 am - 2 pm at the Chamber.  
Come on out and join the festivities!  We'll be handing out the most clever of packages- all designed to sell Duck Derby sponsorships! 
And when you come to the meeting on Wednesday, you can help with finishing touches on the packages!  
See you all Wednesday!!!
Warm Regards,
Laura Vanderberg


Prescott Sunup Rotary

Feb 14, 2024
Toastmasters - Rotary Partner
Feb 21, 2024
President's Choice
Feb 28, 2024
View entire list
Meeting Assignments
Feb 7
Sheridan, A.J.
Wiederaenders, Timothy
Set Up/Take Down
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Beyer, Dan
Harrington, Art
Thought for the Day
Berry, Jon
Hammond, Glen
Feb 14
Stauffer, Cassidy
Sample, Steven
Set Up/Take Down
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Coleman, Marty
Hernandez, Richard
Thought for the Day
Beyer, Dan
Sgt At Arms
Harrington, Art
Feb 21
Chester, Eric
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Set Up/Take Down
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Doherty, Lisa
Keys, Bob
Thought for the Day
Chester, Eric
Sgt At Arms
Hernandez, Richard
Feb 28
Coleman, Marty
Teller, Marsha
Shimizu, Jane Anne
Harrington, Art
Manning, Christine
Thought for the Day
Wiederaenders, Timothy
Sgt At Arms
Manning, Christine
Upcoming Events
Program Committee Meeting
Waffles & More
Feb 13, 2024 7:00 AM
Board of Directors Meeting
Hassayampa Yavapai Room
Feb 15, 2024 4:00 PM
Program Committee Meeting
Waffles & More
Mar 12, 2024 7:00 AM
Board of Directors Meeting
Hassayampa Yavapai Room
Mar 21, 2024 4:00 PM
Program Committee Meeting
Waffles & More
Apr 09, 2024 7:00 AM
View entire list
Executives & Directors
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Community Service
Vocational Services
Club Service
International Service
Youth Service
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 Help Spread Sunshine:  If you currently know any Rotary members who are going through challenging times or if you'd like to volunteer to make calls and send cards to members and their families during sickness, hospitalization or loss, contact Laura Vanderberg <>